Sunday, February 3, 2008

First, my big news: I got the summer internship I applied for at the American Academy of Pediatrics! It's mainly child health advocacy stuff, things like insurance and immunization, and apparently involves going to Congressional hearings. Woot! It's such a relief to have my summer taken care of, so I can start planning a short vacation. (Last summer? *sigh*)

Three exams next week, but no anatomy. So I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs, wondering what more I can do. I've gone over my notes, taken ten exams from previous years (overkill? but they reuse questions like mad); I've even made flashcards for things that they specifically told us won't be on the exam.

Anatomy is just such a time drain for me -- it's not intuitive at all, and the exams test ridiculous (and often incorrect) detail from a book whose last edition was printed when I was in elementary school. Even after five months, I still find cadaveric dissection emotionally challenging. (Unfortunately, I appear to be a sap. Damn.) So usually, anatomy dominates my study time to the point where I fall behind in everything else. I know that's what's going to happen in March, when we have our last anatomy exam.

Interestingly, the last time we had an exam block that did not include anatomy, I felt the same way -- like I had adequate time to prepare for the other classes. The difficulty of classes, at least at this school, is all over the map. On one hand, you have Anatomy of Doom; on the other, human development, which is the biggest joke in the world. (If you show up to take the exam, you pass. I know someone last block who bubbled in C for every answer. And passed.) Most of our other courses fall somewhere in the middle.

Is this what life after anatomy will be like? Free time?

Now playing: NYMC - Studyback
via FoxyTunes


Graham said...

Congrats! Enjoy your last free summer. Ever. ;)

The Scrivener said...

Thanks, Graham! I definitely will.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Should I be concerned about our system of medical education? How egregious are these inaccuracies in your anatomy text?

Congrats on the internship! I definitely want to hear more about it this summer.

The Scrivener said...

They are pretty awful. "The carotid arteries supply blood to the heart and neck." Unfortunately, many of the mistakes are less obvious, or rely on outdated (and in at least one case, entirely made-up) explanations.