Sunday, January 27, 2008

In which I whine

Life's kind of crazy right now. We have exams Feb 4-8, and somehow next week turned into class/meetings every day from 9 AM to 9:30 or 10 PM. And then I have to come home and study. Bleargh.

Yesterday, after teaching from 9-3, I was at study group from 3:30-6, when they kicked us out of the library. I was in the anatomy lab from 10-12 this morning, and then in the library from 2-7:30. Um, death much?

So now I think I deserve a short break to eat leftovers, clean, and watch Mansfield Park on PBS. I admit to being an Austen lover, but I don't have particularly high hopes for this one. Fanny Price is a bit meh for my tastes.

Now playing: Lynette Perry, Steven Sutcliffe, Mike O'Carroll, & Conrad McLaren - The Crime Of The Century
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

What did you think of Mansfield Park? I have to admit that I skipped it this second time around, since I really didn't want to see Billie Piper's heaving bosoms bounding across Jane Austen's most sedate work. We went to see Michael Clayton instead, which was excellent.

The Scrivener said...

Resounding meh for the quality of the adaptation, but much snarkability.